Interview with Portia Parrott
Portia, tell us something interesting about you.
Well, I am not a bird. My LAST NAME is Parrott, but I don't have a beak or clawed feet. But once I fit a whole sleeve of crackers in my mouth. Then I threw up.
What's the best thing about your life?
I am seven years old. Daddy says this means I can feed chicken guts to the alligators. But only if he's with me.
You've recently moved in with your mother in Florida. What's it like?
Florida air is hot like dog's breath. When I moved there to live with my mommy, I thought my face would melt.
Tell us about some of your favorite things.
I love snakes! And turtles! And lizards! My dad is a herp-e-tologist, so he touches them with his bare hands! I want to be like him when I grow up.
We know you love Australia and all the animals there. Do you hope to visit there someday?
YES! My daddy is in Australia, filming his first TV show and I would love to go and see all the animals. In Australia, the flying foxes are as big as my neighbor's dog. And they say "shrimp on the barbie" and "didgeridoo."
Thanks for coming today, Portia. You, too, can learn more about Portia Parrott in her first book, Portia Parrott and the Great Kitten Rescue.
Moving is the pits. Moving without your dad is even worse. When seven-year-old Portia Parrott is sent to live with her mom, she worries the only thing she'll like about Florida is the alligators. It isn't fair. Dad gets to film a TV show in Australia, and she gets sticky air and Mom's drooly rat-dog, Barf. Being back with her mom is nice, but her new classmates think she's crazy! No one cares how many snakes she can name. Worse, they want her to do homework! But when she rescues a strange kitten and sneaks it into school, the adventure really begins.