1. Write faster. I've been reading an excellent book called Write. Publish. Repeat. by Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant. Great book. If you are an indie writer, you should get it by all means. In that book they discuss many important tips, but one of the things that stuck with me was Johnny's take on writing fast rough drafts. "We strongly believe you should write your first draft as fast as you can... In our opinions, slow is the domain of the internal critic, whereas fast is the domain of pure creativity." I found that thought very interesting. So I started listening to my inner critic as I wrote and I believe they are right. If I'm slow I'm always second guessing, letting things distract me, doing "research" on the internet instead of hounding myself for more words.
So, for the last five days I've been writing faster than I ever have. And is the work suffering? So far, things have been moving better than ever. I'm getting out of my own head and making no excuses for being distracted or slow. 2014 is the year of the horse and horses are fast. So... you do the math.
2. Be more productive. This goes along with number 1 very nicely. In my life I have little time to dally. Those who know me know that I am jam-packed with activity from morning to night and I just signed up to be a Girl Scout Leader (so help me God). I need to be hella productive if I am ever going to get a draft off the ground. Lately I've been finding myself foraying into Facebook or email too often when I should be writing. Facebook is really fun. And unfortunately addictive. For 2014 I need to cut myself off from time to time no matter how many cat videos or cute baby posts I miss. (Gosh I'll miss those cat videos.)
3. Crush self doubt like a coke can on my stone-like forehead. Picture Dwayne "the rock" Johnson crushing a Coke can on his beautiful brown forehead. Now picture me as Dwayne "the rock" Johnson crushing a Coke can. (What do you mean I don't look as good in tribal tattoos?) Anyway, I'm usually good at crushing self-doubt, but man that bugger can be more contagious than my cat's eye herpes. I have to strengthen my resolve to write like a boss and keep going in the face of defeat. Even though I'm nearly two years into this bizz there is still defeat. I have to come to terms with the fact that on some level there will always be. And when it comes I'll kick it in the teeth.
4. Finish my teen ghost story. This is a little more specific, but I am working on a teen ghost story right now that has turned out to be pretty intriguing. I'm almost 75K into the story so I am nearly there. This goal should be a no brainer. Then the revisions begin.
5. Start and finish Breeders 3. Breeders 3 is high on my priority list. People are waiting for it and frankly I can't wait to start it. I have some amazing ideas in mind. Poor Riley and Clay. Life just doesn't get any easier for them, but it should make for a terrific story.
6. Write another Breeders short. I have a cool idea for a Clay short story that I want to write. It'll have to come after Breeders 3 though.
7. Do one more collaboration with someone awesome. In 2013 I did two collaborations with great indie authors. (If you don't know who they are, check out my Darkest Worlds anthology. Many of them are there along side me.) This year I'd like to do that again in some capacity. With who? I have no idea. But, I love working with others and cross pollinating fans. I'd love to do that again.
8. Find more balance in my life. Oh boy. This is a big one and the hardest to accomplish. I work full time, write on the side and have two amazing children and a husband. Add to that my herpies cat and chubby dog plus all the other responsibilities I put on myself and balance is a four letter word usually yelled at 9 p.m. when the kids can't hear me. But, maybe this goal should be number one because, in all honesty, my family comes first. My kids won't be little for long and I want to be with them every single step of the way. My husband too. He's an awesome fella who puts up with a whole heck of a lot from me and my type A personality. So balance it is. I will find it somehow even if it means saying no to more things. Someone once said saying no to some things is saying yes to others. I say yes to my family, yes to my husband and yes to my fans. Together we'll make 2014 the awesomest year evah!!!
What about you? What are your new year's goals, resolutions and must-dos? Sound off below.